Our Recreational Program is open during the Fall and Spring seasons. Ages from 4 to 18, No experience or tryout required. Check Registration tab for current availability.
April & May : Early Bird Registration opens 1st week of April .
June: Teams are forming, Coaches are being recruited, parent meeting.
July: Several meetings will begin, for coaches and team managers, you will be notified via email. Some Sunday practices may begin Late July . Coach and team information to be posted on your Breakers TeamSideline account and app.
August: Practices will begin 2nd week of August and Games will start last week of August (if city permits ) Schedules posted Online and Via Breakers Teamsideline site/APP
September: Games resume. Labor Day weekend no practices or games.
October: Games until last week of October
Practices for Division 6(U7-U8)and 7(U5- U6) will be one day a week Monday through Thursday either 4:25 to 5:25 or 5:30 to 6:30. Practices location will be SoCal Sports Complex.
Practices for Division 5(U9-U10),4(U11-U12),3(U13-U14),2(U15-U16),1(U17-U19) will practice 2 times ( a 3rd for older teams) a week, either Monday & Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday , 4:45 to 6:00 or 6:05-7:15 pm, older teams may practice 7:20-8:45, coaches may have the option to choose days and time. (players, parents cannot request practice days or times) practices location will be either Mance Buchanon Park or SoCal Sports Complex or city parks.
Games for all divisions will be played at Mance Buchanon Park or SoCal Sports Complex and could be scheduled from 8 am to 4 pm Saturdays with up to 2 Sunday or Friday evening games, during season (Division 1 and 2 may travel)
December and January: Teams are forming, Coaches are being recruited, parent meeting (will be notified via email)
February: Several meetings will begin, coaches and team managers meetings (see calendar for exact dates) you will be notified via email. Families will be contacted for more information by their coach, after the coaches’ meeting.
March: Weekend Practices will begin, and Games will start 2nd weekend of March
April: Games until last weekend of April or 1st weekend of May no games Easter weekend
Practices for Division 6(U7-U8) and 7(U5- U6)will be one day a week Monday through Thursday either 4:20 to 5:20 or 5:30 to 6:30. The practice location will be SoCal Sports Complex.
Practice’s location for Division 5(U9-U10),4(U11-U12),3(U13-U14),2(U15-U18),will be either Mance Buchanon Park or SoCal Sports Complex. Practices will be 3 times a week, either Monday & Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday, 4:45 to 6:00 or 6:05-7:15 pm, older teams may practice at 7:20-8:45 coaches may have the option to choose days and time. (players, parents cannot request practice days or times or coaches)
Games for all divisions will be played at Mance Buchanon Park and could be scheduled from 8 am to 6 pm on Saturdays with up to 2 Sunday or Friday evening games during the season. Dates to consider for the 8-game season: Practices for divisions 5,4,3,2 will start Saturdays 1st week of March (Division 5 will have a goalkeeper camp last week of February(date may change)Game Dates for Spring 2nd weekend of March last weekend of April or 1st weekend of May, Easter break no games.